Next Best Action

Estimated read time: 10 mins
Apr. 2023–May. 2023 Professional Project
Project Overview
Next Best Action (NBA) is the collective title given to all frontline conversation prompts used to engage with customers. NBA are timely and responsive conversation starters to develop meaningful customer experiences by listening and understanding our customer’s needs. 
My Role
UX/UI Designer
Staff-facing, Design Pattern, User Testing


Next Best Actions (NBAs) are timely and responsive conversation starters to develop meaningful customer experiences by listening and understanding our customer’s needs. They are created by utilizing customer transactional and behavioural analysis. After dealing with the customers’ initial enquiry, NBA is the next best reason to engage with the customer.

User Requirements

  • Provide NBA access without changing the priority of the rest of the customer home session.
  • Provide all information for process NBAs without jump to other pages.

Design Scope

Provide an panel to reveal NBAs within customer session and provide call-to-action on the recommended approaches, also include navigational entries to legacy system for capture of lead and contact.


Pattern Consideration

A collapsible floating window has been made to meet the user's needs for both easy access and providing initial information.

Pattern Iteration

A new rating pattern has been introduced to better differentiate between the feedback section and the rest part of the form.

Feedback pattern previously: dropdown

Feedback pattern after iteration: scale
